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890-1860 m

Skimiete Bürserberg

Skimiete Bürserberg

Located in the Vorarlberg region of Austria, the ski resort of Bürserberg is a popular winter destination for families and beginner skiers. The resort is located at an altitude of 900 meters, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.

The Bürserberg ski area has 29 km of marked trails, suitable for skiers of all levels. The resort also offers a ski school for beginners, as well as play areas for children.

In addition to skiing, the Bürserberg resort offers a variety of winter activities such as sledding, ice skating and snowshoeing. In summer, visitors can enjoy hiking, mountain biking and climbing.

The Bürserberg resort is also known for its annual Winter Festival, which takes place in January. During this event, the resort offers a variety of winter activities, ski competitions and lively evenings.

Bürserberg is easily accessible by car from Zurich, which is about 1.5 hours away. Visitors can also take the train to Bludenz station, which is only 15 minutes away from the ski resort.

All in all, if you're looking for an ideal ski destination for families and beginners, the Bürserberg resort is the perfect place. With spectacular views, ski slopes suitable for all levels and a lively annual event, you are sure to have a memorable winter vacation in Bürserberg.

Die Geschäfte im Skigebiet
Berghotel Schillerkopf
Berghotel Schillerkopf
Fläche : --
Adresse : Tschengla 1